Alkkemist Gin (Distilled by the light of the full moon) 70cl, 40%

The distillers of Alkkemist gin firmly believe in the energy of the moon and all of it’s powers. They triple distil only 12 times a year during each months full moon. Alkkemist gin contains a flavourful 21 botanicals steeped with Iberian influence. Herbs such as samphire, sage, and thyme give a wonderfully smooth and herbaceous note, penny royal mint gives a refreshing menthol aroma, the citrus comes from lemon verbena, orange and lemon rind and finally, the depth of sweet floral fragrances come from Mahon chamomile and rose petals. It’s also one of the only gins to use the sweet Muscat grape as a botanical.


Only 1 left in stock

Perfect Serve Nailed!

We like this one with a premium light tonic and a handful of something suitably Mediterranean such as Samphire and Kaffir lime or Seville oranges with a lemon and lime rind twist.


Brand Innovation Premium Brands
Country Spain
Region Javea, Madrid
Size 70cl
ABV 40%
Flavour Juniper, orange, thyme, muscat

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