Atom Supplies

Atom Supplies craft liquids that are world-beating, package them in a way that’s awe-inspiring and get them into the hands of discerning consumers across the globe. They take market-share from those who don’t deserve it through disruptive innovation at epic scale.

It started in a tin shed by a group of friends who shared a love of spirits, Atom Brands kicked off in 2011.

Atom Brands owns, creates and produces some of the most exciting, innovative and high-growth, multi-award winning (and delicious) brands in the drinks industry. It all started with the creation of Bathtub Gin, and rapidly grew to include the full Ableforth’s portfolio, That Boutique-y Whisky Company, That Boutique-y Gin Company and That Boutique-y Rum Company, as well as the ground breaking Drinks by the Dram.

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