It looks as though hand sanitiser is going to be part of our lives for a long time. I don’t know about you but I’ve had mixed experiences with sanitisers, some gels don’t absorb well, they don’t all smell that great and some just aren’t up to the job at lower alcohol levels.
I think I have found the ultimate is hand sanitising in the form of Exeter Gin’s Botanical Sanitiser. Made to WHO specifications this liquid formula dries in an instant due to it’s 80% alcohol content. Karen from Exeter Gin Distillery has got it spot on by adding essential oils to the sanitiser so not only do they smell divine it also leaves your hands feeling super soft. Ian’s favourite is the Lemongrass and Juniper, Kate loves the Sweet Orange and Juniper while I am obsessed with the Rose & Juniper.
We’re now selling these individually and in box sets for Christmas, it really is the festive gift you can purchase for any adult.
I didn’t ever think I’d get excited over hand sanitiser but try it for yourself and you’ll see what I mean!